Gilgit-Baltistan and Tourism sector

   A comely diorama captured by Qammar Wazir                                              

               Nowadays the tourism sector is one of the most stalwart sources to ameliorate a country's economy promptly and fastly. GB is one of the most attractive areas in the world and its economy could get impetus by improving this sector. During covid-19 pandemic this sector has affected precariously and the economy of GB is in flounder so that the Flux of both foreign and local tourists were less as compared to the previous year. According to PTDC tourism contributed Rs 300 million to the local economy in the past few years. To boost up their economy through the tourism sector every country is giving it a shot to attract their neighbor’s country visitors by showing roadshows, promotional exhibitions in that country, organize their culture, tourism festivals etc. 

               In GB almost everyone gets benefits or windfall either directly or indirectly through this sector. Everyone is able to sell their products like fresh Apricots, mulberry etc at a profitable price. Tourism is also an enormous source of employment in GB because there is no other industry that could improve employment level so that, people in the form of tourist guides, drivers, entrepreneurs are able to generate their income. Recently many entrepreneurs have started to invest in hotels, handicap shops and restaurants. So that in the future it would be a big opportunity to accrue their revenue in GB by investing in that sector. 

             This sector has the potential to create demand in other sectors. When demand will increase, firms will start to produce more so they need more labor so they will hire more workers, which in turn will help to enhance our local economy. GB is actually an agriculture-based area so that through boasting this sector the positive externalities on other sectors could surpass. This sector is like an opportunity for us to sell our local products or to advertise our mesmerizing areas through foreign visitors and social media so that it would attract more tourists toward GB. 

A beautiful day in Skardu 
Capture by: Qammer Wazir

                          But the vibrant issue in GB is poor and ragged infrastructure. For both local and foreign tourists Murree, Swat and GB are substituents. In this process, if consumers feel unease with one of its good then he or she can substitute it with another one without degrading their utility level. So, if the government of GB is unable to ameliorate infrastructure, accommodation, ease in security checking then the future of Tourism could be in danger. How a foreign visitor from developed countries would commute through narrow and unpaved roads? Before visiting everyone makes their plane that how many days they have to spend there but due to hindrance or blockage of the road out of five days, they spend four days on-road then what will they do? Obviously, they will prefer to go back with dismay. Many of the tourists face impass and difficulties while moving towards GB due to strict and frequent checking, therefore many of the visitors feel unease. Why many foreign visitors visit Spain and developed countries?

                          The role of the government to improve this sector in GB is almost negligible as they have closed their 36 motels and terminated the services of up to 400 workers. In GB's natural pristine lakes, snow-clad peaks and amazing waterfalls, their beauties are abysmal. So, like Abu Dhabi which has devised a policy to attract Chinese tourists through roadshows and promotional exhibitions in China. This could be done only with the help of government support then we will able to increase the Flux of tourists in GB. Social media would be also one of the cheap platforms to advertise.

• Government should help those farmers in GB to exports their products so that it will help to boost up agritourism which will help to attract more foreign tourists to GB so that they will able to enhance their local revenue.

• Government should not have been closed PTDC hotels in GB instead they should encourage people to expand this sector by providing incentives.

• There should be an international flight directly to GB 

• There should be international competitions like Mountain climbing, car racing, swimming competitions which will attract more visitors to GB.

• Government should surpass transport amenities. Currently, only PIA is operating within GB so there should be an alternative of PIA so it will helpful for both local and foreign tourists.  

               If we want to move on the way to development then we will have to push this sector on unsurmountable so that this will help us to create demand of other sectors. The tourism sector has a robust potential to profuse the economy. 

Revenue generation from this sector is always soaring than its cost if we work honestly. So ‘’I am master of my fate and I am the captain of my soul ‘’by viewing this philosophical quote we should move on the way to development. 

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