A semblance of Yemen crisis



    A wave of Arab spring that started from Tunisia in 2011 to most of the Arab countries which amid to vandalize autocracy. As they had successfully demolished twenty-three years regime of Zine El Abidine in Tunisia, twenty-nine years regime of Hosni Mubarak and forty-two years regime of Gaddafi in Libya. But in some countries they did not succeed and instead of demolishing autocracy and create peace it further escalated both political and economical predicament like in Yemen and Syria. Now in these countries both economic and political turbulence and turmoil on its highest peak.
       The Hadi government was not able to fight with Houthi as well as AL Qaeda at one time, therefore with the help of UN, the government and Houthi signed an agreement. Under this Houthi were able to negotiate power inside the government. As a result of this peace deal, civil war in Yemen had stopped temporarily and the decimation of innocuous civilian toppled. But later Hadi breached the peace deal so Houthi arrested Army Chief Ahmed Bin Mubarak the army Chief and incarcerated President Hadi, he then escaped to Aden and then to Saudi Arabia in September 2015.

    As a result of Arab spring people in Yemen also started to protest against government so that many of the groups like Houthi joined oppositions and demanded government to reign. Houthi are Shia majority groups which draconian on government to not giving equal rights and tantamount participation  in decision making. Therefore, a civil war started in Yemen between Houthi (a Shia majority) with government(Sunni majority).

       The one reason of powerful Houthi and AL Qaeda in Yemen was their weak and divided army due to dissension between their President Ali Abdullah Saleh vs army chief. In 2014 Houthi occupied the capital Sana and moved to vanquish more cities in Yemen. So Mansour  Hadi shifted all their forces towards Capital to stop further vanquish by Houthi. But it  gave an opportunity to AL Qaeda to make their position strong in South of the Yemen, majority of the areas were usurped by them. When the Houthi and loyal army of former President Abdullah Saleh announced the new government, they were challenged by AL Qaeda. On 16 September 2014, when civil war had reached unsurmountable between UN recognized government of President Hadi and the Houthi newly formed and led Supreme political council this gave extra advantage to AL Qaeda to strengthen its root in Yemen and gained maximum influence in Yemen.

     A Saudi led coalition launched a campaign of economic isolation and air strikes against Houthi insurgents. They named this operation operation decisive storm in March 2015. The involvement of regional powers in Yemen conflict has further diverted the dissonance and pushed the region into proxy war. On the one side Houthi were supported by Iran and also blame by Saudi Arab and USA that North Korea is also supported by supplying arms to Houthi, on the other hand Saudi alliance.

  In 2015 Saudi led coalition Bombing at Houthi dominated Areas but the strikes hit many of the innocuous civilian areas, hospitals, schools and university. In 18 August 2015 a bomb blast at sea Port of AL Hodeida which corollary food supplies disrupted and caused starvation in Yemen. In 2018 the British based charity said a total of 5.3 million children across Yemen were at risk of food starvation. According to them ‘’Millions of children don’t know when and from where their next meal will come ‘’. The war has now created threats to the entire generation of children, who are facing multiple treats from bomb blasting to hanger to destructive disease like Cholera. According to ACLED more than 100,000 people have been killed since 2015 due to airstrikes by Saudi alliance, they said approximately 30800 people had killed in 2018 and 20000 in 2019. The United Nation agencies this year found that about 2 million Yemenis children less than five years old are expected to suffer from acute malnutrition this year. There are also anticipation that more than 1.2 million pregnant or breastfeeding women in the country will face acute Malnourishment. Save the children have estimates that between 2015 and 2018 alone, around 85000 children died as a result of malnutrition.

       A semblance of hope after Biden announcement that US would end its support to Saudi led coalition against Houthi. It will upsurge pressure on Saudi Arabia to defuse or end war in Yemen. The war in Yemen should be stopped and aid must be provided to them, as around 22 million people in the country are believed to require food aid, while 2 million are internally displaced. Immediate measures should be taken to stabilize Yemen economy and support the exchange rate, to pay salaries of teachers, doctors etc throughout the country. It is mandatory to take positive steps to rehabilitate lost humanity in Yemen. 

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