Great Nations win without fighting

  ‘’ A great nation is eager to learn new things daily but a dying nation is full of pride everyone thinks he/she knows it all’’ 

               Questions come in our mind that how a great nations win without fighting? So, the answer is the strategies which these great nations use like Inclusive political and economic institutions, good relations with their neighbors, always welcome technology, discourage confrontations or dissension etc. A great nation is those who devise a policy to mitigate the depredations of mankind. Who didn’t give it a shot to solely depend on other nation for their worst economic predicament instead they stand by their own feet. It is widely believed that a great nation never repeats their mistakes, instead they learn from it and move towards political, social and economic development. A great nation instead of creating anarchy and chaos with other countries, they always prefer to resolve problems through Table talk or rhetoric. Today we see that countries try to exacerbation by meddling in other countries, because their policy structure is like to seduce other country or nation. So that they could rule or maintained their dominancy on that country. But few of the countries like Japan, Germany have good relations with almost rest of the world. Because they have learnt from their past mistakes so they changed their Aggressive policy to a good relation with countries policy. So that now they are able to be unsurmountable. When they have good relations with others then the treats to that country in the form of espionage (in most of the country they create sabotage). The trading opportunities will start to flourish and the country will move towards prosperity.

         They always try to settle down a disputes or dissension. The great example of this is Japan. After 1st and 2nd world War, the economic and political predicament of Japan was destruction, then they started to draw a policy to pacify anarchy and remove all their avid and incendiary or the policy of expansion of others territory by seducing because they knew that types of policy caused tumultuous in Japan. They started to focus how to expend investments and savings instead of deprived other weak nation. There now fight against poverty, unemployment, gender inequality, illiteracy etc.

             The Treaty of Westphalia is a great example that changed the fate of European countries. That treaty defused 40 years of war and pushed the European towards industrialization. Actually, they learned from their past mistakes and today these countries are stable both economically and politically. During 1st and 2nd world War many of the countries tried to discourage war and discrepancy like Switzerland, Singapore etc. During war many of the countries especially France, Germany had had disingenuous to other countries. If Switzerland and Singapore etc haven’t the policy of discouraging dissonance or war then they would be poor like other countries.

              Institutions are emblematic which had a great influence and decides the fate of a country either they’re rich or poor. According to ‘’why nations fail ‘’James Robinson elucidate how institutions effect on countries development. He gave reference of Arizona and Sonova. Despite of the same culture people in Arizona are richer both economically and politically than sonova. In Arizona the government provides amenities like health, education without any impasse. Their citizens have right to choose occupation or jobs whatever they want. They 

citizens have good health and life expectancy as they follow the law and orders. On the other hand, in Sonova citizens haven’t enjoy such amenities as in Arizona. Their people always engage in dissonance, war and looks disdain towards each other. Their children are not secure so they cannot go to school.

         Technology is very mandatory which makes a country prosperous. The potent source of technology is globalization. When the process of globalization starts new ideas or techniques starts to rise or burgeon. Globalization is like a threshold energy for a country journey towards technology.

         Now the question is what will be the outcome of avoiding war? So the first advantage is the positive economic effect. For example, in Pakistan due to Afghanistan war, the unemployment, inflation, export level etc. plunged. Now we are moving towards a cash trapped due to economic instability and we know that it’s the impact of entrance into Afghanistan war. We have to pay millions of dollars to IMF, World Bank etc.with high interest rate. Before entering into Afghanistan war we were going to become Four Asian Tigers. But due to war many of the big investors left our country and preferred to invest in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, India etc. Due to war our industries started to shrink from prime and investors became pessimists. Japan is another example which learnt from their mistakes and instead of repeating mistakes they became the world second powerful economic country. Today Japan is the largest exporters of electronic device in the world.  By avoiding war social achievements could be gained. After Paris peace treaty Germany, France etc started to use foreign funds or aids to build infrastructure like roads, railways highways, contractions of dam’s hospitals and universities to give social welfare. 

               Political stability is also mandatory, due to our involvement in Afghan war our political instability surpassed in the form of dictators and chaos. If a country is not politically stable than they cannot draw or formulate foreign policy, they cannot handle internal anarchy and chaos and cannot plan a mega projects. If they cannot plane a mega project so it means there will not plunge the unemployment rate, inflation, or the living standards of their citizens also will remain low so their public upsurge will become high and that will create chaos in their country. In Pakistan the growth rate in 2018 were 5.8% and According to World Bank report the number of people below poverty rate plunged from 75million to 55 million due to high per capita income. But when we entered into Afghanistan war their consequences had been came in 1980 in the form of Sectarian conflict and in 1990s in the form of political instability and then in 2000s in the form of terrorism in Pakistan that caused sabotage in the country and pushed our country 50 year back in terms of development.

             ‘’Anyone who believes in Allah and the last day 

should be good to his neighbor ‘’

   But we have forgotten the quote of Prophet (Saw). We should have been a good relation with rest of the world being a great nation then we would be the role model for others. Infact we did so many mistakes in past but hopes is not eradicate. We should have to formulate a policy of great nation to tough the stage or level of prosperity and development.

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